Thursday, September 24, 2009

Appetite Suppressant - What's the Best?

Do you have an uncontrollable appetite? Do you find it very difficult to say no to food? Are you always eating? The hunger feeling has many causes, and is prompted by different things. If you can understand what these are, you have a much better chance of 'suppressing' your appetite.

Appetite Suppressant - What's the best?
The best possible appetite suppressant is you. Here are some reasons why.
Did you know that there was a constant dialogue going on between your body and your brain? Well there is, and if you can learn to understand the signals between the two, you will have a much better chance of controlling your appetite.

Did you know that the signal that your body sends your brain to say that it is thirsty is very similar to the one that says that it is hungry? Most of us have got into the habit of not noticing these signals. Nearly all of us answer the thirst signal with food. We misinterpret the thirst signal as a hunger signal...we think it is our appetite. But it is not. What's the best way round this? If you are not sure which signal it is, then drink a glass of water. If in 30 minutes you are still hungry, have something to eat.

Did you know that if you don't get enough sleep your body interprets this as being an energy deficiency and signals that it is hungry? It doesn't really need any more energy, but if you answer it with food you are taking on more calories than you need. The answer here is to get enough sleep - which is 7 - 8 hours' every night.
The more intentional exercise you take the less appetite you will have. It will take a little time, but it does work.

What about what you eat? If you eat lots of sugary food you are basically eating 'empty' calories. They raise your blood sugar and your insulin levels and cause you to feel hungry. If you can eat  lots of fruit and vegetables which contain lots of dietary fiber, you will feel a lot less hungry. Would you like to make losing weight easier...give your weight loss a boost?

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Christine King

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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Lose Weight by Taking Natural Appetite Suppressant

The main problem of weight gain is the appetite for eating. If appetite is appeased then obesity can be cured. There are many appetite appeasers available in the market. Drugs are also a form of appetite appeasers, but they are very harmful and produce many side effects that last permanently. There are also many fat binders, fat blockers and many weight reduction treatments available.

Among fat blockers the most used is Orlistat also known as Xenical. It mitigates the working of lipase enzyme present in the large intestine. This helps in breaking the fat and making it easy to digest. Fat binders bind fat molecules so that they are not absorbed from the large intestine and are directly passed away from body.

Nowadays people also adopt colon cleansing methods. In these methods the colon is cleansed every week or after a regular interval. It removes unwanted stored toxins and sludge from the body. The storage itself weighs a significant amount of pounds. If it is removed, then it is prevented from turning into fat. Apart from that it releases a heavy sum of preoccupied energy.

Some of these treatments and tablets are very expensive. They have great chances of side effects and they may not work for everyone. So the better option is adopting some harmless appetite suppressant. The Hoodia Gordonii is one of the natural appetite suppressants and it offers no side-effects.

The Hoodia Gordonii is a cactus like plant; these are mainly found in South Africa. The use of this plant was first found by a bushman who used it for hunting in long trips. This natural suppressant is medically tested and approved. So if you have not tried it, then try now. You may find it anywhere in the market. You can also buy it online.

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Article Source:

caralluma fimbriata stem

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