Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A Synergistic Approach For Natural Weight Loss Success

There are several aspects to be considered and implemented when one is trying to achieve natural weight loss. While many people search for some magic pill or supplement, or try to find the perfect diet or look to the latest exercise fad, the reality is that a combination approach is usually necessary to actually get good, lasting results.

There are numerous natural weight loss products on the market, and more seem to pop up every day. Each promises to be nearly miraculous in it's effects and people buy the latest and greatest weight loss aid with eager anticipation, hoping that it will finally be the answer to their weight problems. They want to believe that a pill, or a patch, or a tea, etc.. will be all they need to lose weight and that diet and exercise won't be necessary (because dieting and exercising are difficult). Even though deep down they probably know that the latest weight loss miracle being hyped is no better than all the things they've tried before, they want to believe it will work, and so they buy it, only to be disappointed again.

Now this is not to say that natural weight loss aids are all completely worthless. In fact, many do exactly what they are supposed to do. For example, hoodia gordonii (at least the real stuff) does seem to be a very effective appetite suppressant. So, if the main reason that you have trouble losing weight is because you have out of control hunger that makes you eat excessively, hoodia may be a big help. The problem is that most people are not overeating out of actual hunger. They may eat out of boredom, out of habit, out of a need to satisfy a craving, or out of a need to soothe some emotional issue they are dealing with, but they don't eat out of hunger. Hoodia is not going to help you if you aren't eating out of hunger.

Other natural weight loss aids may work by increasing the metabolic effects of diet and exercise. Well, if you aren't doing any kind of consistent diet and exercise program, the benefits of such products will be minimal at best.

Some natural weight loss aids block the absorption of fat by the digestive tract and thereby lower the calories you absorb from each meal. While this does tend to help with weight loss, unless you stop eating everything except fat (which is not a good idea), you still are taking in other calories that, in excess, will be converted to fat AFTER they are absorbed from the digestive tract. Here again a consistent diet and exercise program is needed to get maximum effects.

By now, you have probably figured out that one of the main points of this article is that if you want to achieve natural weight loss, at least long-term, you MUST incorporate a healthy diet and exercise program. No weight loss aid, natural or otherwise will by itself make you lose weight and keep it off. In fact, the ads for weight loss aids will usually state this very thing, even though it is in microscopic print at the bottom of the ad.

So, the foundations of natural weight loss are diet and exercise. With a good diet and exercise program in place, you may get additional benefits from using one or more of the natural weight loss products on the market. But do your research to find a product that serves your particular needs. In other words, if you're not overeating out of hunger, don't buy an appetite suppressant. If you're already minimizing your fat intake, don't waste your money on a fat blocker.

Now, once you have your weight loss plan in place with your diet, exercise program, and whatever natural weight loss aids you choose to use, there's one little thing that needs to happen for you to successfully lose weight. You have to stick to the program! If there's one thing that renders the vast majority of natural weight loss efforts ineffective, it's a lack of follow-through.

It has been my experience that very few people stick to a natural weight loss program consistently for more than two weeks at a time. Of course, some people may intermittently follow a weight loss program for months or years, but they get sidetracked over and over again and really are not consistent for more than one or two weeks in a row, so they never get any momentum and achieve their goals.

Recent research comparing different natural weight loss approaches found something very interesting. The overall success rates of most of the currently popular diet programs were about the same. The success or failure of any given diet had little to do with what the approach was. In other words, low carb, low fat, calorie restriction, eating for blood type, etc., really didn't matter. The thing that actually mattered was if the person consistently followed the program! To sum it up, it doesn't matter so much what you do to lose weight (within reason), as much as it matters that you do it consistenty long-term!

To be able to stick to your natural weight loss program, it is critical that you take charge of your thoughts and emotions. There are many ways to do this and many different techniques that work to varying degrees for different people. You can get a lot of help in this area with products from Anthony Robbins, Dr. Phil, and others, as well as through technologies like hypnosis, the Sedona Method and Emotional Freedom Technique. You may need to try several methods to find what works well for you.

Whatever method you use, the real secret to natural weight loss success has little to do with the latest weight loss product or the newest diet or exercise fad. The real secret is to choose a reasonable approach that includes diet, exercise (choose an exercise you are physically capable of doing - starting with advanced kickboxing if you've been a couch potato your whole life is not going to work!), and possibly one or more weight loss aids and then make that program a part of your daily life forever. And the way to make that happen is to take control of your mind and get your brain working with you rather than against you. Good luck!

This article describes the components necessary for an effective natural weight loss plan.

Dr. Best provides free diet, exercise, and supplement information on his website covering natural weight loss. He can be reached via email at DrBest@TrainYourBrain4WeightLoss.com.

Source: Add-Articles

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Sunday, April 12, 2009

Do You Have A "Hidden" Eating Disorder?

Revealed! How an Indian cactus is helping dieters overcome food addiction

Is it possible to have an eating disorder, and not be aware of it yourself?

It is estimated that 50% of eating disorders go undetected. Why? Simply because the signs of eating disorder are not well known.

Granted, you don't gorge yourself, then excuse yourself to throw up. 
Granted, you don't starve yourself till you're ready to pass out.
You probably have a healthy body image and a few extra pounds don't freak you out.

Yet, unknown to you, you might harbor an eating disorder if you:

• Have feelings of guilt or obsession about food
• Need to feel 'full', rather than satisfied
• Never fully conscious about what you eat, when you eat and how much you eat
• Cycles of Crash Dieting/Overeating
• Tend to go overboard while snacking
• Inability to control specific food cravings
• Mood swings, lethargy, extreme fatigue, irritability

Many people have addictive tendencies towards food. 
Unless you become aware of these tendencies, they won't go away.

Impulsive eating can throw your body chemistry in disarray. The first thing you must do is to tune in to your real hunger/thirst signals. You need time to settle into your natural, healthy rhythm. 

Slow down and let your body talk to you!
Most dieters have a tough time battling the classic highs and lows associated with eating disorders. Luckily, a diet pill is now available that can help you get through the day without giving in to temptation.

Break the cycle of Addictive Eating

Caralluma Fimbriata is a cactus that grows widely in parts of India and Africa. It has long been used as a famine food that helps to suppresses appetite, regulate blood sugar and keep you feeling full and active all day. 

One of the first products on the market to contain Slimaluma™, the standardized extract of Caralluma Fimbriata, is called Slimirex. In clinical trials, Slimirex produced significant weight loss in participants versus those using a placebo. Participants also reported increased energy and overall well-being.

Lose safely with Caralluma fimbriata

Slimirex is free from controversial drugs, making them a safe, long-term alternative to prescription drugs and adrenaline-like stimulants such as Ephedra. 

Slimirex works by helping to quiet down your cravings and improving your physical and mental endurance, leading to improved energy levels all day.

Impulsive eating could be the hidden enemy that's sabotaging your weight-loss efforts. Fight to win with a clinically-proven brand containing the “miracle” cactus Caralluma fimbriata. 

About the author 
Visit http://www.LoseWithCaralluma.com to learn more about the health benefits of Caralluma fimbriata and what Slimirex can do for you.  

Article Source: Free Article Directory - http://www.articleManiac.com Search And Submit Articles 

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Saturday, April 4, 2009

Suppress Appetite with Caralluma

A lot of people haven't heard of Caralluma Fimbriata yet. However, You should try to learn more about it especially if you are overweight, or obese. This means you need to loose weight and to do that, you need to effectively control your appetite. With Caralluma fimbirata, appetite control doesn't have to be a struggle. 

The Caralluma Fimbriata Plant 

Cactus Plant - Caralluma fimbriata is a plant that belongs to the cactus family. It grows in the wild in India and for centuries it has been used by hunters to stave off hunger during hunting expeditions. Ordinary citizens also used the plant when there weren't enough food supplies to go around. The plant could be eaten raw or cooked but it was effective in controlling appetite in any way it is consumed. 

Caralluma Fimbriata and Hoodia 

There may be some who have already heard of Caralluma fimbriata. It is common knowledge however that there really are other natural appetite suppressors. One such popular option is the Hoodia plant from Africa. Since Hoodia has the same appetite suppressing effects as Caralluma fimbriata, the two have often been compared. 

Both natural ingredients are effective. Some people however may prefer products that contain Caralluma fimbriata. This is not because Caralluma is significantly more effective than Hoodia. Their preference is perhaps based more on ingredient supply. It is far harder to find products that contain authentic Hoodia. This is because the African plant is rare and its transport outside of its place of origin is strictly controlled. Caralluma fimbriata does not have the same strict rules for manufacturer acquisition. 

Looking for Caralluma Fimbriata Products 

Popularity Ratings - This succulent plant is gradually becoming well known. You only have to enter its name on a search engine to find more information about it. Moreover, a basic search will also provide you with a variety of product pages. There are a couple of products that are now sold online or in health stores that contain extracts of the plant. This is good news for a lot of people. You do not need to get a doctor?s prescription to get a few months? supply of a Caralluma product. This is mainly because authentic natural Caralluma products do not contain chemical additives and have not been known to cause any side effects. 

Selecting Your Product - Your only real problem would be how to find out which products are good options. Even if there is sufficient raw plant supply, there are still some manufacturers who will try to rip you off with products that don?t really work. The effort of manufacturing authentic natural appetite suppressors can be taxing. If you want to find reputable products, you can check consumer product reviews. There?s nothing better than asking people who use Caralluma products about the effectiveness of a particular product brand. Products and brands that do not have a good reputation would also have online consumer warnings posted online.

Article Source: http://www.articlemotron.com

A lot of people haven't heard of Caralluma Fimbriata yet. However, You should try to learn more about it especially if you are overweight, or obese. This means you need to loose weight and to do that, you need to effectively control your appetite. With Caralluma fimbriata, appetite control doesn?t have to be a struggle.

Learn the best method to suppress appetiteBuy Caralluma online now.

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Thursday, April 2, 2009

Weight Loss - Drinking Water to Lose Weight

Yes, what you are reading is right. Drinking water to lose weight can actually jumpstart your weight loss endeavors and reduce those annoying inches from your bulging waistline. That means you can drink away water to glory throughout the day and automatically lose weight fast! Well, if it sounds like magic to your ears it is not, there is a scientific explanation behind it, but drinking water to lose weight will certainly sound like music to many an overweight persons' ears.

A study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism on the results of a research conducted by Berlin’s Franz Volhard Clinical Research Centre shows that you can increase your metabolism by increasing your consumption of water. The faster your metabolism, the more rapidly will you be able to burn calories.

What are the different ways of drinking water to lose weight?

To make it more simple, consumption of 17 ounces of water daily will result in the burning of 30% more calories in general. For around 30 minutes or half an hour, the metabolic rate will remain raised. Those who drink less water do not exhibit so much weight loss.

Researchers have found out that if you hike up your daily water consumption by one third of one gallon you will trigger a weight loss. Not only this, there is a myth that says that warm water helps to melt fat and if you drink a glass of warm water mixed with lime juice and just a drizzle of honey the first thing in the morning, it will help in substantial weight loss. In reality this will help in clear bowel movement and flush out all the toxins from the body and thereby give you a healthy appetite and aid in complete digestion of food which in turn promotes weight loss.

Keeping your tummy filled with water also ensures that you don’t indulge in overeating. In short water acts as an appetite suppressant. Drinking more water will not only keep you hydrated and promote weight loss, but will also make you feel energized through the maintenance of blood volume and minimizing of muscle soreness while pursuing physical activity. Your skin will also have a radiant glow as a result.

Drinking plenty of water flushes out the toxins that are produced whenever the body burns fat. The majority of bodily functions involve water, and lack of water causes the body system's operations to decrease its speed, and produces unneeded stress as a result.

About the Author: Sue Baker

There's no reason why you should be embarrassed about your weight any longer. Are ready to learn more about how to lose weight effectively? Discover The benefits of green tea for weight loss and download a free copy of the book. Join the thousands we have already helped and visit us now.

Source: Website-Articles.net

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